Recently, the fight for equality for same-sex
couples has brought up an unresolved issue. Are gay families harmful to
children? Unless you are a religious person or you feel morally wronged by
homosexuals, the consensus is no. Homosexual parents are no worse than
heterosexual parents. In most cases, homosexuals are even better parents than
heterosexuals. The biggest argument for that is that unlike heterosexual beings
who can procreate just by forgetting to use a condom, homosexuals have to plan
and go through a legal process to either adopt a child or use in vitro. Meaning
in all cases of homosexual parenting, the child was wanted and thoroughly planned
for. How often can you say that happens for heterosexuals? As a product of a
missed birth control pill, I have gone through more emotional trauma than most
wanted children.
One argument that has been thrown around quite
a bit is that gay parents create gay children. Pause and take a step back to
think about this. Gay parents create gay children…just like straight parents
create straight children right? If that’s the case then it is safe to assume
that either everybody in the world is straight and every single queer is an
acting genius or everybody in the world is gay and they just don’t realize it
yet. Common sense is not so much a common trait anymore. I am as queer as a
three dollar bill and my father is a homophobic heterosexual. When I have
children eventually, I will not force them to be gay and I won’t force them to
be straight. Learning to accept who your children are instead forcing them to
be a preconceived notion in your head is the first step to being a real parent.
If my son came up to me one day and said he wanted to wear all pink to school,
then by a man I don’t believe in, I would let him. To force a child into
something they are not is to destroy their individuality, their humanity. In
most instances a parent is trying to do what is best for their child but what
they do not understand is that maybe what you think is best is not the same as
what the child needs. “A lot of parents will do anything for their kids, Except
let them be themselves” (Banksy).
*****This is just a little bit from the paper i am currently writing
I agree entirely with this post. Common sense has gone out the window and close minds have came in. And shout out to the Banksy quote!