Friday, February 15, 2013

The Last Testament Part 1

"When I was at church they taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service those words aren’t anointed
That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned
When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same, but that’s not important
No freedom till we’re equal, damn right I support it"

Equality among our fellow human beings has become a major issue for our society today. You claim homosexuality is against God and the Bible but isn't acting as God a sin too? God made ALL of his children in his likeness and homosexuals are no different. We were in FACT born this way. We did not choose to make society hate us and attack us. Why would anybody want to make their life that unbearable? People tend to forget that everything they say, all that they do, is a cause and effect. Your actions reflect the person you are. You judge me because i found love with somebody who just happens to be the same sex as I am. You accuse us of destroying the sanctity of marriage when all we want is to make it stronger. Divorce rates are ever increasing. Kim Kardashian lasted 72 days, whereas Rachel Maddow (MSNBC talk show host, The Rachel Maddow Show) and her partner Susan Mikula have been together since 1999. 33% of christians went through divorce just this past year alone. Even dogs can get married. I am a human being just like you but you spit in my face and denounce me because of a natural feeling i have. I didn't judge you for being straight. I don't treat you less than what you are because of the feelings you have. So what makes you so important that you believe you have control over my life?   
                    "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together"


Monday, February 11, 2013

Self Destruction

“I was confided to your loyalty and accepted by your treason; you offer my death to those to whom you had promised my life. Do you know who it is you are destroying here? It is yourself.” 

Of all the animals in this kingdom, humanity is the only one to revel in its self destruction. We lie, cheat, and steal. We mar our bodies with our fleeting emotions. Consume alcohol until we can no longer remember anything, smoke until our lungs are black and charred. Why do we do all of it? We let our emotions rule everything we do in life. The human race is collectively screaming inside begging to be who they want to be, but our leaders, our friends and family, condemn us to being two different people. One wears our skin, walks around for us, going to class and interacting with friends and family, saying the things people want them to say. The other is who we are. Screaming inside our heads, destroying our minds because we cant handle who we've become. You claim to be 'real' and honest but there are things inside your head you would never let out. Things that would make society think twice. Not one person is real and honest. We can't even be honest with ourselves. But would our world be better if we had no emotion, no thought of our own? Our society is so great because we have had a few great individuals express exactly how they felt and then shared it. they opened up their soul to the world and we devoured it. We sit here squirming in our seats wishing to come clean and admit to all the wrong doing we've done to ourselves but it will never happen. Only the brave come forward and make our world beautiful.

                                                                               "I am I, and I wish I weren't.” 
                                                                     ― Aldous HuxleyBrave New World


I fell asleep beneath the flowers
For a couple of hours
On a beautiful day
I dream of you beneath the flowers
For a couple of hours
     Such a beautiful day"**

The effects of music on the mind, body, and brain ( mind being your personality, and brain being the firing of synapses) are profound. Music that has generally pro-social lyrics and an upbeat rhythm will give the mind pro-social thoughts and you will more likely to interact with people positively.
"We believe a main factor influencing the uplifting condition is the popularity of the songs, 
which have an upbeat tempo and are easily recognizable. Due to the popularity of these songs, they are often heard 
on the radio and at social events, which may make them associated with positive thoughts and feelings. In contrast, 
the annoying condition involved music without lyrics that is not played on the radio for enjoyment."*

Music creates a sensory input that stimulates the brain into remembering past things in your life. Music helps Alzheimer's and dementia patients enhance their memories. Music is one of the most inspiring art we have. we listen to songs before a race, a game, or a meet to pump up and put our mind in the zone. We use music to create romantic settings or great romantic acts. Everyday music has done something for you. So why let it go to waste? Our educational leaders should be promoting more music classes in school instead taking them away.

** Daydreamin' by Lupe Fiasco

Friday, February 1, 2013

Aca-Believe It.

Did you know that researchers at OSU(Ohio State University) have found a space cloud that contains enough alcohol for 400 billion trillion pints of beer.

If your mind isn't blown by this you either have no appreciation for space or no appreciation for alcohol. Either way you're pretty freaking lame. 
   I fell in love with space around the same time i fell in love with reading(which is to say at a very young age of 5). My mom would bring home books and magazines about the final frontier for me every week, and she still does to this day. Its just something about the great unknown and the vast possibilities it could hold that just gets my brain juices flowing. Have you every wonder what was out there beyond our small solar system? The past is out there in those dead stars we see every night. There is a theory that space is like a funnel. You have the very beginning(a light), then there is the dark matter. The big bang happens and all of a sudden everything starts to expand rapidly outward. And it [space] continues to expand rapidly every day. Just like our world is continually growing, so is the great mystery that is space.

Most of my readings come from and