The title pretty much sums it up. I am not a blogger. I'm not even a writer. When it comes to creativity in this department, I severely lack the skills needed to perform. In all honesty if my girlfriend wasn't at boot camp right now, I would probably be making her do this for me. So what am I supposed to blog about? How interesting class is? Or how the stuff we're supposed to be reading gets my brain juices flowing? Unfortunately I would be lying if I did that. I haven't even read the essays we are supposed to read. I started to, then i decided history was a whole lot more interesting. No offense (or take offense, what do I really care?).
If we started a discussion in class about Harry Potter, I would achieve boss status. Yes, you read that right. Harry freaking Potter. I nerd out to HP hard. I'm not lying when I say I've read the whole series at least ten times through. I own two, TWO, wands. I am proud of my nerdom. It gives character to my personality.
On a different note, there is a series of books I have read about bloggers. Its also about the zombie apocalypse. So if anybody likes zombies and news blogging, Feed by Mira Grant is a book i highly recommend. Its highly addictive and will consume your life with awesome zombie killing and government conspiracies. Go Read It. It will make you a happier person, I promise. Just kidding. I don't know you like that, I don't know your life, What you've been through ;) Have a Nice Day.
You seem creative. I think you have guts for blogging about not having anything to blog about and giving your true opinion. Most people (like myself) wrote about what we did in class or something we read for class. Your blog is interestingly different but maybe next time you can blog about yourself, your gf, a book you read, or even history if that gets your boat floating. I'm pretty sure Mr. Sweeney will agree to that...welp have a good day!